Friday, October 18, 2013

Lead Me by Still Waters

Luuk Sleeping on Leash
Luuk occasionally has problems with his skin allergies. The dry Colorado air doesn't help. When he gets to itching, scratching, licking and biting too much, I have to step in. He'll go right to the skin without my intervention. All too soon my sleek, little Luuk looks more like Patches. A little cream from the pet store will usually set him to rights. But how do you get him to leave the medicine alone long enough to help?

The Lowly Leash--I took the picture above right after putting medicine on Luuk's hot spots. Looks like he is really suffering huh? This isn't the image that most people have of their cat on leash. "My cat would never tolerate a leash!" I hear it all the time. It isn't true. It just takes a little knowledge and training.

I guarantee you. Luuk doesn't look like this most of the time. He is a very active, sleek, muscular athlete. I feed him home-ground, lean meat. He's all business and tolerates very little monkey business. If Luuk can learn to be like this on leash, I guarantee that your cat can learn too.

Sometime in your cat's future you will need to administer medicine, shampoo, grooming or nail clipping. A leash makes things much safer for you and for your cat. But you need to train prior to the need.

I started catwalkerblog to teach you how leash train your tiger. It isn't hard. It just takes a little patience, a little know how, and a desire to spend some quality time with your amazing feline friend.

Luuk Fast Asleep
Rather than a frantic chase around the house, Luuk has fallen fast asleep during the time it took me to write this post. He's relaxed. The medicine has done its work. And we had a great time together. It really doesn't get any better than this!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Why Cat Walk?

Luuk enjoying a Fall day in Colorado

"Why walk your cat?" People ask.
"Why not?" I usually counter.
Leash training your cat has many practical advantages:

  • Safety for your cat, your vet, and for you.
  • Fulfillment of your cat's inherit nature. Cats need to get outside. 
  • Fun for you and your feline friend.

Here's some pics from my latest outing with Luuk Chaai. The leash makes these outings possible.

Luuk ordering at Starbucks
Cat on a Cat Walk.
Who is that little boy?
Luuk taking in the smells.
Safety Harness and Leash (My Design)
Available at Etsy (link below)
My Little Lion